2026 Senior Reps

Applications close February 21, 2025

The ultimate Senior EXPERIENCE

RMP Reps are part of an exclusive senior team who focus on promoting the RMP brand, making friendships, and building confidence. This team gets amazing perks all senior year including invite only styled shoots, priority booking and their own individual sessions.

What you get:

1. Launch Shoot + Team Shoots

There will be a Launch shoot on Sunday April 27, 2025. This shoot includes professional hair and makeup. The Launch shoot is so much fun and great way to meet the team. I'm so excited for this year's vision, design and theme. I can't wait to share it with you! In addition there will be 3-4 team shoots a year and this is a great opportunity to meet other high school seniors, get great images, and have fun!

2. Individual Fall and Spring Session

You will receive 2 individual sessions (Fall & Spring). These shoots can be as creative as you want. This is a great time for you reflect your own indvidual style.

*Wardrobe is not included.

3. Professional Hair & Makeup

The launch shoot and your two individual sessions come with professional hair and makeup by Honey Bee Lovely.

4. Priority Booking & VIP Treatment

I work really hard with my rep team to create the best experience possible. This includes going the extra mile in our session (additional locations, more photos, extra shoot time etc.). You will also have first dibs on the best dates for your session.

How much does it cost?

All reps must book the Platinum Plus Package ($1600) and are required to pay the retainer fee ($500) by April 1, 2025. The retainer fee goes toward the final balance. The final balance is split up into two equal payments due before each individual session (one spring and one fall). The individual session, team shoots, and editorial shoot is all valued at over $3,300 and you get it all for the price of the Platinum Plus Package!

Here's the breakdown of the three payments:

$500 due April 1, 2025

$550 due Fall 2025 (day before your individual session)

$550 due Spring 2026 (day before your individual session)

$1600 Total

Everything you get for $1600:

  1. One Team Launch Shoot
  2. Two Individual Shoots
  3. Four team shoots throughout the year
  4. Three sessions of professional hair and makeup
  5. Priority booking
  6. Hundreds of images for senior year


  1. Be a graduating high school 2026 senior girl.
  2. Book the Platinum Plus Package.
  3. Available Sunday, April 27, 2025 for the team launch shoot.

What do you look for in a senior rep?

Senior reps are chosen based on their application answers, involvement in school, activities and social media presence. You do not have to be photogenic, a model, or highly confident in front of the camera. I love working with my seniors on posing and building up confidence as you enter the next chapter of your life! Although I would love to accept everyone that applies, I am unable to do so because of the amount of applications I receive. In order to make the senior rep team experience the best it can be spots are very limited (approx. 6 girls). If you are not chosen to be on the rep team, I would still love to have you in front of my camera for your senior pictures. RMP senior family extends far beyond my rep team. I love connecting with each of my seniors and making each senior portrait experience fun, unique, and meaningful.



What are the team shoots like?

The styled shoots will be hosted at several locations, including studios and outdoors. Being a part of a group of other seniors just like you, ready to build each other up and have fun!! There will be group and individual shots. The first styled shoot is on April 27th, 2025. You must be able to attended this first shoot. You will receive complementary digital images of every shoot.

Why is it so expensive?

There is so much that goes into the rep team each year. The hair and makeup alone cost over $250 a session. You get three of these. In addition to that, many of the team shoots require permits and venue rentals. You also get two individual sessions. I typically do the rep team at cost after you take in account all the expense and time it takes to pull this program off each year.

Do I have to attend every team shoot?

You must attend the Spring 2025 launch shoot (Sunday, April 27, 2025). All other team shoots are optional.

When will I be notified I am chosen to be a senior rep?

All senior reps will be contacted by March.